Friday, December 31, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while so I decided to write something. Happy holidays! Christmas was awesome, and I can't even believe tomorrow is 2011! Time flies, I tell you what. So, any new year's resolutions? I've decided that I'm going to just try and be an overall better person, like not hating so many people and trying to get along with more people instead of fighting against them. I've also decided to keep a better track on my stories and to reply to reviews and such. I've been slacking in some of those areas. Lately, people on Fanfiction who have read my stories have been PMing me a lot about my stories and asking for help. It really touched me that they were asking ME, and I started realizing how I would barely reply to PMs. Hopefully that will change.

Well, progress on any of my stories is very low. I've been tossing around ideas for the sequel to Ten Days but nothing has become final yet. I know what I want to do, but I don't know how to make that happen and still have it make sense and seem real enough. And the sequel to Artificial Engagement? I've started it, but no I'm starting to doubt the plot because it's not very strong and I could easily see people getting bored with it. So I've kind of decided to re-write the plot, which will be a miracle if I can get it done soon and fast.

Right now, I'm pretty much brain dead. My inspiration to write is kind of slipping away right now, and I think that has to do with being at home because of Christmas break. Once I start writing, I'm itching to get away from the computer. I hope it stops so I'll be able to be productive for once.

Happy holidays and enjoy the break!

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